Understanding the statute of limitations in personal injury cases

On Behalf of | Dec 27, 2023 | PERSONAL INJURY - Personal Injury

Those injured by the misconduct or negligence of another party have certain legal rights in Connecticut. In some scenarios, they may be able to file an insurance claim. Many people and businesses carry insurance that can compensate others for injuries and related losses.

Other times, the injured party has grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Insurance typically only covers specific losses and only up to a set amount. Personal injury lawsuits can give people more comprehensive compensation when a business or individual causes them harm. There are many rules governing personal injury lawsuits in Connecticut, including the state’s statute of limitations.

What is the Connecticut statute of limitations?

A statute of limitations is a law imposing specific restrictions on certain legal actions. The personal injury statute of limitations in Connecticut creates a very tight timeline for those hoping to pursue a personal injury lawsuit against another party.

Typically, the injured party pursuing a personal injury lawsuit needs to initiate litigation within two years of the incident. The same statute of limitations applies to wrongful death lawsuits, although the relevant date in that case is not the date of injury but rather the date of death, which could be months after the initial injury.

Those who wait longer than the statute of limitations allows will not be able to take legal action after they get hurt or lose a loved one in a tragedy caused by someone else. The statute of limitations makes it very important for people to explore their options and exercise their rights as soon as possible after someone gets hurt or dies. Learning about Connecticut state laws promptly, with the assistance of a skilled attorney, may benefit those seeking justice in the civil courts.