Birth Injury

Having a baby is supposed to be one of the happiest times of your life. But like with any medical condition requiring diagnosis and treatment, mistakes are made and babies and mothers are unnecessarily harmed.  While most pregnancies go without a hitch, others are unpredictably challenging and require strict adherence to standards of care to provide both mom and baby with the best possible outcome. Even the more general cases can lead to problems that could have been avoided had practitioners followed proper standards of care.

Unfortunately, injuries to babies that occur during labor and delivery are often significant and permanent.  Because babies are so fragile, to begin with, they are already at much greater risk of harm even with the smallest of mishaps. The Cooper Law Group, PLLC, has seen firsthand the devastating effects these injuries can have on a baby’s quality of life and the lives of those entrusted with the baby’s care. Birth injury attorney Jeffery Cooper understands that these cases pose unique challenges that require compassion while also holding people accountable for their actions.

Examples of birth injury cases that Cooper Law Group, PLLC, has investigated include:

  • Mismanagement of twins and triplets
  • Breech births
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Abdominal dystocia
  • Fractures mainly of the arms and legs
  • Cord asphyxia
  • Hypoxia
  • Wrongful death

Along these lines, Cooper Law Group, PLLC, also has extensive experience investigating claims involving the medical care and treatment of mothers during their pregnancy. Common conditions that the firm has seen managed improperly include:

  • Preeclampsia
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Excessive weight gain
  • Infections including sexually transmitted infections
  • Preterm labor
  • Miscarriage
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Stillbirth

If you believe you or your baby has been harmed because of improper medical care or lack of attention, Cooper Law Group, PLLC, wants to listen to how you feel things went wrong. It’s important to remember that not every law firm has experience in medical malpractice claims involving harm to babies, and there can be a significant learning curve for lawyers new to obstetrical cases.  At his firm, Jeffery has established relationships with respected obstetrical, maternal-fetal-medicine and neonatology experts, and has extensive experience interpreting complex medical records dealing with obstetrical and gynecological issues.  Jeffery Cooper welcomes questions about his experience and familiarity with complex birth injury cases, and urges you to ask your lawyer about their experience as well. To schedule a free consultation with Cooper Law Group, PLLC, call 203-902-0848, or contact him online.