Distracted driving is one of the biggest causes of auto accidents alongside drunk driving, drowsiness and speeding. Distracted driving is the result of a driver losing focus on the road as a result of multitasking. This could happen if a driver looks away from the road, takes their hands off the wheel or thinks about anything other than the task at hand.
Drivers can, however, reduce their risk of distracted driving. Learning more about the causes of distracted driving and how to handle various issues instead is the key.
What causes distracted driving, and how can it be prevented?
There are several common causes of distracted driving. A common cause is phone use. Many people use their phones for talking, texting or navigation. When people use their phones while driving, they increase the risk of auto accidents. Many drivers struggle to put their phones down while driving. Drivers may want to consider turning off their phone, placing their phone out of reach or using apps to reduce distractions while their car is in use.
Another cause of distracted driving is fast food. Many drivers will grab food from fast food restaurants and eat while operating their vehicles. Drivers increase the risk of auto accidents when attempting to eat or drink while on the road. One way to prevent accidents caused by fast food is parking a vehicle to eat.
Drivers may lose focus of the road when changing their radio station or AC settings. Drivers may consider changing their radio station or AC settings before operating their vehicle.
Reducing any risks that would cause distracted driving can make the roads safer. While drivers can take action to prevent distraction, accidents can still occur. Victims of distracted driving can reach out for legal guidance to understand their legal rights.